8 Reviews liked by grotesia

im an elitist and i hate fun

I did not enjoy ice climbing simulator 2015.

On the positive side the game has nice looking areas and is well acted.

For the negatives, it continues to feel and play like a bad Uncharted, using elements that got old with Uncharted 3. The opening to the game is boring and feels like a parody at this point, you slowly climb things, maybe to enjoy a few sights, or you quickly climb things as other things fall down around you as your character yells "oh no" and "shit". During the opening of the game Lara rolls down a ledge and catches and saves herself at the last second by catching the side of a cliff with her pry axe three times, this opening perfectly sets the tone for the game. The majority of the game will be spent watching Lara climb on things as she is thrown around the same way that you would expect Nathan Drake to be, seeing as there is no chance of Lara dying and this has become such a common feature in games there is nothing exciting or interesting about these moments. Uncharted often uses climbing as a feature in combat to out maneuver your enemies, as cover, or to make interesting use of terrain while fighting (such as Uncharted 2 having you engaged from multiple sides while flipping over signs you were hanging from as cover), Tomb Raider uses climbing to show off its environments but mostly it uses it to stall for time. This game was made by people who remember the scene of Lara climbing the radio tower from the last game, not because it could have been seen as a defining character moment, but because she was climbing something, and climbing equals excitement.

The game has a very annoying map that requires you to keep marking side objectives and collectibles because it can only remember one waypoint at a time, the map also doesn't keep track of areas you need to come back to later after receiving a new item. Areas are often extremely poorly laid out, even more so after the first half of the game. You will eventually be carrying explosives, fire, assault rifles, shotguns, etc and will frequently need to solve easy "puzzles" or find ways to get around old crumbling wooden structures or walls that Lara just can't seem to figure out how to deal with.

The majority of the story is dull and cliche. The original trailers making it look like she had PTSD could have made for an interesting character study and for something unique but none of that is in the game. The game's antagonists and their overall faction are extremely non threatening and boring. Sam has been written out of the series due to the comics, so that interesting relationship and the most important character, other than Lara, from the first game is no longer around.

Crafting is back and is as poor of a feature as ever, the survival elements are once again an afterthought, hunting is dull and tedious, and the upgrades you get for weapons do nothing other than increasing stats, making them more powerful but not interesting. The crafting system also just feels out of place as Lara knew that she was going into danger and probably should have just bought some decent equipment this time. You also refuse to take weapons from your enemies so you will not be able to use the guns enemies use against you for some time and won't even get a simple combat knife until halfway through the game. You get new types of weapons by opening locked boxes that are scattered around the games maps, and every gun requires you to find all four of its boxes, meaning that the gun you like you might not get until very late in the game, if you can find it at all.

You are able to level up and spend skill points to get new abilities, this feature also seems poorly though out as the abilities range from a large number of ones that give you more experience for certain actions (meaning the ones you should get first, making many level ups useful but boring), abilities to get more crafting materials when looting (boring), abilities that allow you to do things that you should already be able to do (stealth knife kills and set traps on bodies), or extremely overpowered archery skills that will eventually allow you to auto target three separate enemies heads at once by moving the reticle over them.

Combat is not very good. The bow, with the right abilities, and bolt action rifle you can get feel very overpowered. The enemy AI is poor, usually standing still in the open, taking cover with the top of their head exposed, or throwing grenades at you which frequently end up killing their own allies.

If you like watching your character climb things while sort of following your commands, seeing your character in fake danger, and checking a map to see where the next buried thing is then this is a game worth checking out, because that's probably 75+% of the game.

was fun & addictive for a while but I quit for a multitude of reasons. it got way too grindy, the inspo for the hilichurls was EXTREMELY uncomfortable, the company is just crummy in general and has incredibly poor customer support, eula's family thing was...........no. all in all i decided it's not worth me wasting my life anymore.

While the writing's shallow and tropey (though I can see kids enjoying it) there's legitimate effort put into the gameplay, in both exploration and combat which elevate it above being just a BotW clone. Alas it is also a gatcha waifu collector which makes it a grindy chore to play.
Gatcha games should burn in the pits of hell.

It starts fun, but quickly gets insanely grindy and demanding you to log in every day in hopes you give up and buy into the predatory gatcha mechanics. This game could have been an easy 7.5/10 if it was a regular game with good progression, but no, gatcha just brings in too much money.

you always were a kidder steve

This game dares to ask the question “are anti-racists just as bad as racists?”