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one of the greatest one-year wonders in football ever, peyton hillis. when i was first getting into football the browns were a team i wanted to get into because of how much i love the city of cleveland and the cavaliers. but my god, the browns are impossible to love if you weren't born into it. not only are they extremely bad and absolute masters at losing a shit-ton of games every year, they also are boring as shit to watch. my beloved lions have been quite bad, but also have had some absolutely exciting players that were must-watch television. the browns have had left-tackle joe thomas, and i'm not talking shit, he protected some really terrible quarterbacks in his hall of fame career, but that's a tough sell. nowadays the browns have incredibly exciting players like myles garrett, nick chubb, and david njoku, but too little too late, browns! peyton hillis was a random RB who had a monster year in 2010, helping an otherwise unimpressive 5-11 browns team beat defending super bowl champions saints and fraud bitch junk science peddler tom brady and the patriots. hillis only ever flashed this dominance briefly in the rest of his career, making him one of the most interesting one-year wonders in football history.

anyway, how do sicko browns fans watch them for as long as they have?