Playing this game after 1 feels like complete subversion in a not so good way. Don't get me wrong I don't hate colorful and hopeful atmosphere. But feels like a parody of itself.

This game feels like a cliche bland anime. A Main character is super dumb when it comes to love... or any logical thing. A love triangle that does not improve the story in any form. Evil guys with the cliche evil laughs with dark clothing of course. Fanservicey hype moments. etc. etc. Is there a no worthwhile things in the story? There is actually, interestingly returning characters from the first game have still a good kinda writing with an actual effort put into it I felt like. Also our dragon is a complete ass to anyone other than us so it gives interesting moments. But that's just the small part of the story. Most of the story is a journey about destroying the magical seals with also lots of unneccesary misunderstandings that happen to prolong the story because characters are too stupid to communicate with each other like normal human beings. Like to the point of stupidity that our main character never tells his friends that bad guy tried to kill him, so they should be away from his bad guy group. Just like an anime that wants to do pointless conflicts to prolong it's episode time huh.

It works now like it supposed to be now! Dodge, guard, camera, combos, feels more smooth less clunky. But to be honest it's still the type of gameplay that too repetitive even with the multiple playable characters that have some advantages for different enemies. So it's not the flaming garbage like the last time at least but still feels meh.

There is also multiple endings like last time but I also heard it's just adds couple of minutes to the first ending of the game. But to get that you have to play the entire game again for some reason so no thanks.

If you are the kind of person that addicted to fanservicey anime moments you will have fun, but if you are the type of that have the expectation of experimental writing... you will not find this here. It's meh kinda bland that you will forget about the next day you wake up

Reviewed on May 19, 2023
