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Ah... Good old Fallout New Vegas! After playing Outer Worlds, I've decided to go back and replay New Vegas. Although I did have an excellent time with the game (again), some issues prevented it from being as good as its predecessors (again).

New Vegas is familiar to anyone who played Fallout 3. It's basically a glorified expansion of that game, with a few twitches here and there. But that's not to say that this is a bad game! In the Mojave Wasteland you'll meet great characters, amazing new factions to connect with (or not), fine companions, interesting quests, crazy guns, mysterious areas, plenty of secrets and a VAST open world location to explore. And I'd like to reiterate: A HUGE world of possibilities!

When it comes to gameplay, the combat may not shine, but I do believe that the V.A.T.S. system compensates for this. If you have played previous Fallout games, you probably know that this game is about talking your way through a problem instead of shooting your way out of it. But the greatest thing is that, if you want to shoot anything and anyone, well... Go ahead! The sheer freedom of choice in this game is insane. I don't think the story is as great as other games of the franchise, but the overwhelming amount of options and independence is astounding. Especially how they tackle the main quest.

This, the personal sense of progression and the scale of things you can discover in New Vegas, make up for a great time.

The problem with New Vegas is the fact that none of previous mistakes were fixed here. In fact, some of them got worse. This game is not polished at all! It's rough around ALL of its edges and it just gets more and more dated.

It crashed CONSTANTLY, there were glitches EVERYWHERE, game breaking bugs around the corner of every decision/movement your character takes, maze-like dungeon design, annoying unnecessary filler fetch quests, slow combat system, cluttered UI, confusing quest objectives and a karma system that doesn't work properly. These are just a few of the problems you will encounter on your playthroughs, but I could go on...

Also, although dialogues are well-written here, YOUR character's dialogue choices are very vague. Back in the day, that didn't bother me so much, but after games like Mass Effect 2, Witcher 3 and Outer Worlds, the lack of persona in your character is highly noticeable and quite awkward.

And to think that this game came 2 years after Fallout 3... Things could have been better optimized, at least.

Despite its jarring shortcomings and its overwhelming nature, Fallout New Vegas can still be a great experience. Not as good as the other games in the series, but I definitely recommend it, in case you want to scratch the Fallout itch or just feel like playing a bleak, but sprawling RPG.