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This game is amazing! Probably one of the best beat 'em ups I've ever played. The action, writing, characters, levels and even the graphics, everything is very over the top and exaggerated. But the best thing is that it just fits perfectly! The gameplay also helps this "anime-feel", since you really need to know what you're doing in order to get to the ending and it's just nice to pull a good tough combo or figure out how to defeat a boss. Also, there are some very good unlockables here!

Few things annoyed me, though. This game is brutal and that's ok, but some parts felt like it was brutal for the sake of being brutal. That "boss gauntlet" is just bad design and what's up with the final episode? Everything in it is just repetitive and tedious. In my opinion, the devs got lazy after the fight with Leo.

Other than that, GREAT game! Play it NOW!