My thoughts on Quantum Break are somewhat conflicted, but I want to start by saying this: The soundtrack is AWESOME!

This is a VERY standard and mediocre game. It's by no means bad, but it felt very bland. The gameplay is what kept me going, honestly. Despite being... well, normal, it's fun as hell! Using Joyce's powers is a joy, the shooting is a bit shallow but it still does the trick and deciding how the series will "change" is interesting. The writing isn't all that great, but the action moments and the actors manage to convince you to stay, towards the final acts.

The thing is, aside from that, everything is just 'OK'! The story is bad on the first 2 acts, picks up on the 3rd and gets pretty good on the 4th & 5th, but it's all just TOO bonkers, without actually trying to explain it to you, in a cohesive way. There are files and audio logs spread around areas, but it's TOO MUCH reading and, quite frankly, it's all very uneventful and boring. In the beginning, the series' parts were weird, as if it didn't know what it wants to be. Some events happened out of nowhere and the whole time travel thing seemed empty. Things take too long to happen and when it does, it's too late. Also the game has some pacing issues. It seems unsynced and unconnected, sometimes. At times, it felt a bit buggy. It lacks challenge and checkpoints were badly done.

Despite the hollow identity crisis that Quantum Break suffers from, gameplay is still really fun and characters are actually well portrayed. I won't recommend it, but if you have Game Pass, try it out! Just don't expect anything beyond an standard experience.

Reviewed on Feb 04, 2024


3 months ago

It's weird that a game that is "really fun" with characters that are "well portrayed" and an "AWESOME" soundtrack only gets 2 stars. Sounds like you had so much positive to say. I'm currently playing the game now and I'm finding it pretty meh, but I was thinking about giving it 3 stars. Sounds like you enjoyed it more than me, but you gave it 2 stars. I guess the story, notes and pacing issues made it annoying for you, which I understand.

3 months ago

The stars matter less than what I had to say, I guess. SMT 4, for example, was a very flawed experience for me, but I still really love it. Hard to say what it is. With Quantum Break, however, it just got boring as I progressed through it.

But, hey, I hope you have a better time with it than I had!