This is probably the worst game I've played in 2022, so far.

After loving Neon White, I decided to try similar games and Mirror's Edge was one of the most recommended.

The problem is... I guess people were just completely wrong. It's weird to see how much praise goes to a game that is so ultimately flawed.

Nothing works in Mirror's Edge. Platforming is imprecise as hell, controls are weird (come on, you jump with LB!) and sometimes unresponsive, the soundtrack is VERY generic, combat/shooting is ridiculous, Faith's health is a joke, slowmo is useless, level design feels aimless and empty, it gets old pretty quick and checkpoint placement is atrocious.

Not to mention the story, which is absolutely predictable and bland. There's no conclusion to it, dialogues are not well written, characters are very forgettable and the presentation is ugly as fuck. It's a disaster. I mean, what ending was that? Is it a cliffhanger? Is it the end of things? Just like that?

Two things I can admit to like about this game are the way it looks and how intense it feels sometimes. It gives you a nice rush and it'd be even better if the levels actually gave you room for improvisation, or if its visual cues actually worked. I like its style, I like the parkour core, but it's just boils down to a massive failure, in the end.

Mirror's Edge is my biggest disappointment of the year, so far. I've read so many amazing things about it, but I couldn't relate to any of them. The game is a mess!

A proof of how some good ideas can be very poorly executed. Also a proof of how overrated (and dated) some things can be, just because they look cool.

Reviewed on Feb 04, 2024
