Massive Battlestar fan, love the series. This game plays so truthfully to how space combat is depicted in the movies & shows.

I love the Anabasis DLC. It's like a recreation of 33 in videogame format.

Only con is that the game's UI seems like it's designed for mobile ??

Long after humanity is gone, aliens will discover our strange digital monuments to our animal buddies. I hope Nintendogs is a relic widespread enough to be a post-human meme

Barely a game, more of a proximity voice chat room

Remember playing this on an arcade machine at the pub when I was a kid. My parents drinking and just giving me money so I could fuck off and do something else

Yeah and the game is pretty good too

Potentially the best Pokemon game, everything else after this begs that it was as good as Emerald (including the ORAS remakes)

I actually really wanted this game to be good.

Rest in peace.