Genealogy is every bit the epic game it's made out to be by its fans. It's got its flaws, sure, but I think whatever unique positives the game has far outweigh any flaws or gripes I have with it.

The story itself is great, but I especially adore how well the story and gameplay are intertwined. All the fun quirks the game has in its systems like inheritance, the lack of free trade, etc. really do a great job of making Genealogy feel very distinct from all the other games in the series.

By the end of the game, I found myself really appreciating everything FE4 brought to the table, so to speak. It's a very rewarding game that takes time to get into, but once you do, it's incredibly satisfying to play through. I'd place it among my favorites in the series, without a doubt.

Reviewed on Nov 15, 2021
