Dishonored 2012

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 7, 2024

First played

April 3, 2024

Platforms Played


I haven't played that many stealth games, but more importantly, I haven't played that many games that "punish" you for killing people, which is kind of a problem for me. I like virtually killing people, but I'd imagine Corvo doesn't.

It's somewhat of a shame too because for all of the benefits of not killing people in Dishonored, this game has some hilarious ways to kill people. Cutting off someones head and killing someone else by throwing it at them over and over again. Using a rewire tool on an Arc Pylon and purposefully drawing guards towards it to watch them get turned to dust. And I can't not mention using the wind blast to throw people off of a building. Dishonored is its own little sandbox of death.

But I decided that Corvo and even the cursed Daud didn't want to kill anymore, so I attempted to not kill people. Of course, there were accidents. A few unconscious people accidentally thrown off a roof. Some guards that got herded into a group of rats. Disgruntled thugs who missed their shot on me and instead hit their brothers. But even through all that I didn't want to kill!

And playing the game this way made it super engaging, I had a great time! I'm sure I'll play this again some day and go Ultrakill mode, making quick work of everyone that I come across and generally causing more chaos, but for now I'm proud of my work.