The game that started it all!

Everyone who's ever played it goes on and on about how great this game is... and the thing is... they're right.

Such an original and super fun game! I feel the need to replay this all the time.

The last of the games that allowed you to move your franchise to the next year. I haven't bought another MLB since.

I was able to beat this on the Retcon which allows you to save at various points during a level. I can't imagine anyone beating this without this feature.

Not enough Disney cameos, way too many Square Enix cameos.

So many dead ends, but I love the art and graphics of this era.

This is the hardest game I've ever beaten! I don't think that the creators of the game could finish this without dying at least once.

If you love micro-transactions, this game is for you.

I'm a huge fan of the King's Quest Series and you can tell that the creators of this game are too.

The first game I ever played where you could create teams and players.


The first game I ever played online.