5 reviews liked by hallucy

I am a huge fan of city builders and this one had me immediately hooked. I am setting it aside so as to not burn myself out before the game is fully released. If Onbu doesn't trust you, I don't trust you.

Playtime: 5-6 hours.

It's more of a choice-dialogue simulator than walking simulator which is a good thing.
Some of the characters are annoying like Zoe and Alex, I left them to die.

But the Mitch brothers and Sonya are compelling characters and everytime they are interesting to interact with.

Overall an interesting experiment with the walking simulator format, albeit the politics of it is written by a 7 year old.



not the biggest fan of shoot 'em up, but I have to give this game some sort of credit for just the visuals alone.

The claymation is amazing and with everything being made out of one lump of clay that deserves some praise, as a game it's also really good.

I'm not good when it comes to dissecting shoot 'em up since I've only played a few and most of them feel the same to me so I'll just leave it at it's really fun.

syrian politician simulator 2018