This game is excellent, and I get the feeling I'm going to be talking about it for a long time. It looks/sounds great for a Mega Drive title, has tons of personality, and has quite possibly some of the greatest sound effects in any video game ever (You Got A Secret Bonus Point!).

However, cannot overstate how absolutely brutal it is--people will tell you the Japanese version is "easier" but this is relative, the game is still super hard so don't feel bad if you're getting your ass beat a couple levels in. I definitely want to pick it up again later to see if I can get the secret ending.

Petal Crash is great! An interesting action-puzzler with a cute style/lighthearted story, filled with inspiration from games like Panel de Pon, Magical Drop, and Puchi Carat. If you like any of the aforementioned games, you will probably also get some enjoyment out of this one. Very fun with friends online too.

From the perspective of a long-time Animal Crossing fan, this game fell short in many aspects; for one, the lack of meaningful gradual content updates that made it feel "emptier" than the previous entry in the series. However, many of the interior (and exterior) decorating options are vastly expanded from previous entries in the series, especially with the 2.0 update + DLC. I just wish there was more to do aside from that; the story is relatively short and there are not many town upgrades to work towards or activities to do with friends outside of trading and decorating.