i feel like the last two thirds of this game is where this game is strongest. this game took me two months to finish just because the beginning third of the game was really fucking annoying. personally i found that it picked up after the boss fight against the fear - though its hard for me to judge how much of that was the game getting better vs me being better at the game. i will replay this game at some point (maybe on the hd collection on ps3?) and i'll see how much my opinion shifts.

my only complaint outside of that is the controls. man, this is REALLY not fun to control. i am just not a fan of shooters that force you to stay locked in place while aiming, and on top of that you can't change the sensitivity while aiming, and on top of THAT there's no crosshair. i can't really blame the game for that stuff though because it is a ps2 game :')

Reviewed on Apr 28, 2023
