Log Status






Time Played

12h 18m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 19, 2024

First played

March 18, 2024

Platforms Played


I am absolutely traumatized. I had no idea what to expect when i first started, it looked like a decent to good survival game with a slight fun touch of horror in. Little did i know what had been waiting for me in the depths of playing. And when im saying depths of playing, i mean quite literally the first 20 minutes. I have never died so many times in a game before. It looks like a cute fun game but dont let it fool you. Its easiest level is like playing medium level on Dark Souls. I thought it would get better but all that got better was the span of time i could hold my patience for. My girlfriend had to live with a ghost the majority of times and i wont even talk about winter. Anyway this game is a good test of patience and its not for everyone (yes my girlfriend did better than me). Also... UGLY MF DESTROYED OUR BASE.