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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 28, 2022

Platforms Played


I liked this but its a pretty steep downgrade in writing quality and character depth from the Sky trilogy. It sets up a lot of cool stuff, but it doesn't stick any of the landings due to having way too many superfluous twists, a million one-dimensional antagonists with weak motives, and shoddy pacing (especially if you do sidequests, which are very mixed this time around).

Gameplay is a step down from both the Sky trilogy and Zero, somehow. The new systems are interesting but the balance is non-existent. Playing on hard mode I killed almost every encounter before they even got off a turn, and the only things that put up a fight were the endgame bosses. Dungeons are pretty bad, with the last one being especially awful and comparable to FC's slog of a final dungeon.

i want to have sex with randy