4 reviews liked by hayhoenstuff

This game made me hate Final Fantasy 7 lol

Just to explain myself, i just feel like this game is SO much better than FF7 and that one just gets praised for being more well marketed in the west and being 3D, i understand it marked a standard, that is undeniable, but in terms of gameplay and story this games just beats FF7 (and probably almost any other entry, tho i still have to play 8 and 9) by a large margin.

Despite this pitiful grudge i have towards 7, i still truly love VI, it's a fantastic game and anyone wanting to start playing old RPGs should start with this one, plus is really easy, specially towards the end of the game where your characters become absolutely turbo-busted, one of my only complains towards the game (even tho that can be a criticism towards the entire franchise honestly lol)

I spent a year being in love with this game before its community killed it by only uploading levels where you kill Justin Bieber

I'm goddamn all for artgames and will actively push back against Gamers tossing around the word "pretentious" towards anything that requires even a bit of thought or has a hint of emotion, but this ain't it chief

Does for Twin Peaks fans what Jaws did for sharks