Was my first souls game, I know its not everyones favorite but it was enjoyable imo.

Its like Euro Truck Simlator but American.

Generic, forgettable, once you played it for an hour you've seen it all.

Another game I'm bad it but still enjoyed.

This game is definitely what started defining what Final Fantasy as a franchise would become and what its known for now from its characters that have more story and personalities that are fleshed out.

However my main gripe with this game is how many fake out deaths there are. Its literally comical how many times it happens.

A huge step down from the first one, whether you play the original or the pixel remastered its just not fun.

I really enjoyed what I played, I put 14 hours into it but fell off it. Hope to come back to it sometime.

Decent Sokoban-like game with demon waifus.

Basically, Action Park simulator.

The best Plants vs Zombies, the OG, still lots of fun to play.

Circle of the Moon was my first game as a kid so it was nice revisiting that one.

Postal but boomer shooter, really fun.