Great 3rd person horror experience. Somehow, the game conspires against you, but that is what makes the game interesting.

Watch Dogs is still a masterpiece.

It's so unfortunate that a game with such an incredible storyline and cast of characters was buried under such a stupid controversy. If you want, you can still enable E3 graphics. It'll make and incredible game even better.

With mods, best open world atmosphere I've ever experienced. Without a doubt the best Watch Dogs of all time.

In this game your child dreams come true because he offers one of the best space sim and exploration experiences you can currently get. I say that without hyperbole. I don’t know what it was like before all the updates, but playing it for the first time in its current state, it is possibly the most impressive piece of entertainment I’ve experienced in an exploration game. I genuinely cannot believe how expansive it is. I’m not just talking about the near infinite amount of planetary exploration that’s available (although that’s pretty damn incredible regardless of it getting a little repetitive), I’m talking about the sheer amount of things you can do in the game because you can do basically anything. Hello Games has somehow turned one of the worst video game releases into an amazing gaming experience.

Magnum Opus and bye to the rest.

Hits the ground running from minute one and doesn’t let up once. Really appreciated all the lore that’s established, especially with how it ties into the series as a whole.

They’ve definitely upped the difficulty this time around. Even on I Don’t Wanna Die, there were quite a few moments where I was nearly overrun.

Also, that final boss fight (hell both “final bosses”) might be one of the most fun boss fights in recent memory.

This is what you expect from a good dmc game. Everything is reminiscent of the good old dmc games. Good combat, good soundtrack, overdramatic cutscenes with cheesy lines, among other things.

If you hated the previous game (which a lot of people did) don't worry because Capcom really redeemed itself with this game and you will definitely love this one.

I'll never forget how scared I was playing this. My first real scary video game experience. Loved every minute. A perfect example of how a linear single-player game should be made. It's a shame the industry is slowly but surely abandoning that.