Treasure's debut run 'n' gun is hard, short and sweet; a banger mixtape of an action game, relentlessly charging through hit after hit level, with some of the most creative boss fights and sound design around. Can't wait to play this co-op with my best friend!

brilliant underrated sim game i was afraid of as a child, but we won't get into that now. never seen a game effectively use its own systems for a complete takedown of their real-life analogues. it sounds crude--a business sim where you run a hospital, and progression is not about curing the most people, unless that happens to make the most money--and then you realize it's the model the US has chosen to implement and preserve to disastrous ends. But, you do get to shoot rats and watch the grim reaper take away patiens you failed to cure, and the fictional diseases people come in with are funny. A thoroughly British computer game if i ever played one.

capital-A Art Game that I have infinite love for. sly meditation on consumer culture and all the STUFF that just manages to accumulate in your life without you really noticing, plus a warped large-father-small-son dynamic that is really more like a boss-worker relationship; no matter how well you do, how quickly you meet the goal, the King's not impressed. The music is also quite literally some of the best i've ever heard, opened my ears to the possibility that pop music can be freakish, experimental, and FUN.

im gay, so naturally, i cried profusely