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yesterday i killed the past.

some people would think that i could not handle it but i did. i discovered the truth about myself and about the world i was born into -- not our planet Earth, bur our system. still, while programmed to murder and to die, i shall not surrender. i must seek the future. i should be just like that deaf guy, that killed his past and went free from it. the police did catch him but why does it matter? "the capital that did us bad is now decapitated" -- he must thinked while being arrested by his best friend -- which was struggling to get over the past. imprisoned in old values, never questioning to others but always to himself what the purpose of his duty and choosing to be blind while seeing what his fake conservatism was doing. he was afraid of the future -- kill the past and be killed by the future, i guess --, after all, as soon internet domains everything, his job would be done. those new detectives knows more than his old boomer ass could and with this, his validity as a person would be proof. but after some time, he ended up being able to face it. face his past. kill it. i could say the same about turtle guy: worst than being afraid of your past is not knowing it at all -- we, as humans, are afraid of the unknown, which is just metaphysic darkness. having weird dreams. talking to spirits. entering into a conspiracy. is just the shit you do when you want to discover who you truly are. smoking cigarettes and having an existential crisis etc. once you recognize your place in the world and why you are in there and why you are the way you are, you may not like it, but it does not matter.

you just gotta kill your past today and discover a better future. if tomorrow you need to, just do it again.

Reviewed on Aug 17, 2021
