this thing is great especially for its time and i have a lot of nostalgia for it but i was just not enjoying the combat this time around

i am slowly realizing i do not enjoy 2d twin stick shooters :/

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2.5+1 full star for letting me kill woods and giving me a slow mo shot

i despise the black ops campaigns and this one started off with more of the same jingoistic american cold war power fantasy stuff and with woods somehow still on his 2010s hardass bullshit, but somewhere around the second half i realized that other than that it really wasn't so bad. the cliche needle drops stopped, woods didn't show up nearly as much, and all the extra genre stuff black ops likes to dabble in that i dont personally care for was generally optional or unobtrusive throughout. gunplay was fine, and while the traitor ending was a bit anticlimactic i genuinely enjoyed the interrogation mission that led up to it. i will probably never play this again

im marking this as mastered but to be clear i did everything BUT collect every korok seed

dont revisit this game. let it be as good as you remember it

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first half felt nice and fallout for the most part, really did not care for most of what came after meeting shaun. too much stuff in this game doesn't feel like it belongs in the fallout universe but i cant say i didnt enjoy playing it

solidified the extra .5 star after i watched the temuera morrison interview in the extras

its the best cod campaign sorry. its not even my favorite but its the best

i still think mw2 is better but this isnt as bad as i always remember, i think i just really dont like the first mission. feels like a let down for what a battle for new york city could have been and has way too many instances of opening a door or turning a corner and having 4 planes fly by and bomb something at that exact moment which feels so corny to me. davis family vacation is one of the dumbest things in a cod game and thats saying something. but other than that it has some fun set pieces and serves as a good enough end for the trilogy