This is gonna be a comparative review between JC4 and JC3. I played this one first.

- It's generally fun, the usual Just Cause stuff is still there.
- Performance is really good, didn't have much of a drop in framerates.
-Grappling hook and wingsuit is definitely better than JC3.
- Explosions look nerfed I guess because of the performance issues.
- Exploding stuff doesn't matter at all, it has become just part of a grind.
- Occassionally the game looks dogshit, especially in cinematics.
- It is weird to complain about story and characters in a game like this but it is pretty shit, especially the villain. I can't even remember the dude's name.
- Challenges are unfun at best, tedious at worst. Didn't bother doing most of them.
- Why the fuck get rid of sticky bombs? What was the point?
- I get that they wanted to change the repetitive nature of liberating settlements but they made it absolutely much worse, it is nonexistent actually.

So overall it is a decent action stunt power fantasy but a bad Just Cause 2 game.

Reviewed on Nov 15, 2022
