very good example of what it is ! cute art and descriptions, and a pleasant 3-5 min distraction.

not anything of substance and i don't tend to care for the format but i don't want the 5/10 to discredit it being a nice little moment.


as with many others of the type, i have an incredible nostalgia for this game that blinds me from seeing it as anything other than very formative to my approach toward appreciating and making art.

not great but it distracted me out of passing out from fear probably 75 times when i went insane last year

dares to ask the question “what if doodle god made your phone hot?”

he gets very sad when he can’t eat the candy

darling, your doodle is jumping...

you beat tha whole damn game!

im sure i could have fun with this if i could be fucked to put time into making it feel natural! i need button mashing skating, unfortunately.

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far better than you would expect given the IP but also extremely middling. i don’t feel compelled to finish it so i probably won’t pick it up again, but the OST goes insaneo sometimes. worth looking up and listening to even if you cbf to bother with the actual game.

there’s really nothing here, man. elements of it are ok, i mean the art and Song (1) are cool enough but the racing is so nothing.

sort of innovative in presentation but about 5x more unplayable. the music is genuinely really nice if you can stay alive for more than 30 seconds

was he always this horny dude

GBA version:

the presentation is actually pretty nice. the music is pretty and the visuals make genuine effort, but at the end of the day this is a “navigate all characters to the end of the stage” game instead of a regular platformer and i just don’t have the patience for that.

kino has a sequel…

in some ways it’s better, and in some it’s worse. everything about the gameplay is tighter, and the fighting feels so much better! but the fighting is most of the game now… the puzzles are still fun but they are fewer and farther between than in the first game, and i frankly just miss that clunky pacing. the already sparse story from the first is on an extreme backburner here and all context is mostly kept to single screens before each chapter. i miss how you could talk to people standing around like baby’s first rpg… the visuals are considerably less interesting, and the music quality/variety took a major hit too.

even considering all that, this is still pretty fun and is one of the few licensed GBA games i’ve played so far that feels like a “Real Game”. whatever that means

before i put this on, i had been mentally drafting some shit like “grown woman plays babar game, is disappointed”, but this was actually pretty flames. i guess leave it to IPs explicitly for children instead of ambiguously for children to actually put together a nice little experience for babies ❤️