I've been taking it easy with games lately since I am burned out but I managed to complete Quantum Break last night. A game I have been interested in a few months now. Very good game.

I really overall dig the time traveling and time manipulation story for this the fact it's based on hard science such as quantum physics to create its own science called chronon particles to make its concept of time shattering and freezing in certain points feel more believable. I honestly thought Quantum Break was lacking in actual time traveling at first but near the end, everything came together super nicely while making its plot complex while still inheriting the basic laws of physics and how time worked in the past.

The world-building and amount of text are pretty impressive as well, considering I only spent like 15 hours in the game. With these text files scattered around the levels. You get insight into characters' histories, further in-depth explanations of physics, what is going on in the town from other people's perspectives, even fun stuff like an awfully cliche play based on cheesy sci fi tropes etc. It made the world more alive and I live for detailed worlds, so big plus for me.

What stood out for me is the decision-making that affects the story. Although there are only a few choices and it doesn't change too much of the overall story. The decisions you can make as the main antagonist give you a greater sense of immersion, control and perspective of him. It encourages replay value as well to see how the choices can affect the story. Between that and other triggers during the game, there are about 40 variations for the live-action TV show, so that's a lot of airing they have to do!

Speaking of that, what's especially cool is the TV series going alongside with the game. While I don't think the episodes being live action super necessary, I still think it's a super cool concept I've never seen in a game and it puts characters that are barely in the main game at all in the spotlight. I think the TV show as a standalone is pretty eh since the characters are weak and sorta unlikeable at times and feel like a generic gritty action show. And I'm not really a fan of Liam tbh since the whole super soldier thing just felt unbelievable (even if there's a reason why he could fight well). Yea for a game that lets the main character, Jack have time powers. Liam having a similar body count with no powers felt ridiculous. But even then, I appreciate the TV show for adding on insight to its world and I still think how the actors perfectly mirror its game model counterparts is super cool.

The gameplay is fun, tight, solid thrid person shooting action. While the standard mechanics are plain with your typical arsenal of guns and shooter mechanics like covering. The time manipulation powers help make the combat stand out a lot such as time dodge to quickly avoid enemy gunfire or a time sheld that will reflect enemy gunfire and let you heal for a few seconds. These abilities will help you maintain the upper hand with the waves of enemies. Although they lack variety, it's still a consistent experience.

If I have one complaint, is the game have a case of serious ludonarrative dissonance. Maybe because I don't really play a lot of shooters these days but it kinda bothers me how the main protagonist, Jack supposes to be this seemingly normal and likable enough guy that basically wipes out an entire army in one day and he is basically psychologically unaffected. Quantum Break being a game is a double edge sword. I feel like the detailed world-building is something they could only pull off as a game but I also felt like there were countless waves of enemies just to pad out the game and give some kind of active content to interact with. It's just a bit off-putting and unbelievable that Jack is unaffected by all this death and it's barely talked about but that might be just me being overly sensitive to how death is treated in media as of late haha.

A few unbelievable character moments and iffy writing for the TV show aside. Quantum Break is a really good game that does both gameplay and story well and I thought the idea of mixing live action with a game with decision making was a unique way to present a story. Highly recommend it to anyone that likes sci-fi, especially time-traveling stories.

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2022
