Log Status






Time Played

0h 11m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 9, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This is not good. It's bordering on offensively bad. It's a short, simple, direct story about unaliving yourself. And sure, okay, that could be neat. It would be fun to get a game dev and artist's perspective on that very serious topic.

Instead, this is just... kinda stupid. It feels like some edgy dude wanted to represent a subject while neither knowing anything about the subject or having any ounce of creativity or artistry. It represents itself as this oddity, this weirdo interpretation of a dark subject. But in reality, it's just lots of disconnected thoughts that are both unexplained and irrelevant.

Maybe you could say that this is a really cynical take on this subject matter. But if so, it's so cynical it comes off as snide. And maybe you could say this is just abstract art, surrealism. If so, what do any of the parts of the whole mean? What message is it trying to speak?

In reality, this is nothing. It's a vapid drivel by someone either too pretentious or too deluded to understand what they, themselves, were trying to do or say. Even if this game weren't addressing some serious subject matter, it's barely competent enough to tell you the daily weather.