gmer kills and kills and gets an erection and kills some more. he is also the Player. the Player participates in escapism, yet it becomes repetitive and meaningless, like everything under Capital. gmer mirrors this by working Jobs to get better at KILL, kills because he gets an erection, doesn't kill young girls because that is Too Much even for the gmer, but there is still no fundamental difference. drawing arbitrary moral lines to keep oneself sane. travis realising the meaninglessness of it all and that he has been conned, but still pushing forward for the big Revenge occurs around the same time I started getting bored of the game. i assume it was similar for the Player(s) as well. finally gmer Kills The Past, game ends, sisterJeane(past) is respected by gmer, somewhat being Travis now. shit and flush to save, take a dump, mr goichi suda 51 goichi 51515151 gogogogogoichiichiichiichi did the same during dev time, don't you want to be like him/travis/hero/assassin???? irish man teaches Travis that there is no escape from gmerism, maybe there is, and they will reach it together, or die trying, Paradise, or Hell, maybe they exist, and if not they will still be free of the g*mersoul.

Reviewed on Nov 16, 2022
