Game Sequel/Remake Announcements That Would Make Me Poop My Pants

I don't think these are ever going to happen, but if they do, it'll be a good day to be me.

Dead Rising
Dead Rising
Remake this game already, you cowards.


Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg
Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg
I didn't forget about him. I never will.


Are you going to do it or not, Rockstar? I don't give a shit, piss, or ass about GTA.


Viva Piñata
Viva Piñata
A 3rd installment is most likely never happening but I would be pretty content with a PC port.


5 months ago

We really do need a Dead Rising made internally at Capcom again. Sucks that the guy who ran that series also was the one running Capcom into the ground for a while then left. I still really want another Japanese perspective on American consumerism. No idea what the game would be centered around though.

Viva Pinata technically does have the pc port, but I know you probably mean like a modern one.

Could have had a Bully 2 if they didnt focus all their dev on GTA Online!

5 months ago

@Snigglegros I do think that out of everything on this list, a Dead Rising remake/reboot is probably the most likely to happen, but it's still murky as hell because it seems like Capcom themselves don't even like that series lol. I would love to play that game again in a way better engine though.

Every 6 months whenever a new article about how Bully 2 is rumoured to be uncancelled/cancelled again, I lose another year off of my life.
galaxy 3 would make me cum

5 months ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 I'm still waiting for Nintendo to let me play Galaxy 2 >:(

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