Log Status






Time Played

14h 0m

Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

November 26, 2020

First played

November 15, 2020

Platforms Played


Man, I like Kingdom Hearts music as much as the next weirdo but this game is kind of like getting spit in your coffee.

It's a rhythm game that "develops" the plot further after Kingdom Hearts III, by forcing you to re-listen to the entire Kingdom Hearts Youtube playlist with work attached to it and sending you straight to the hospital with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. For all of this you get 1 measly cutscene and even worse representation for the one character that needs the most development in the entire series. This is supposed to be "Kairi's game" yet you still play as everyone else who gets to have all the fun instead.

As a rhytmn game it works mostly fine, but I found myself needing to play this game on Proud Mode because Normal mode was simply too easy and it felt as though a lot of the tracking was watered down. This made the game have more of a challenge for me, with some of the songs becoming absolute wrist destroying gauntlets.

All the visual noise gets annoying after a while. Sometimes there is so much going on in the background and on screen that it's hard to focus on the task at hand, especially during the movie and boss levels where they just show cutscenes and loads of particle effects until the song ends.

It's great if you like Kingdom Hearts music and if you want to celebrate how far the series has come to this point, but aside from that I'd honestly just look up the ending and move on.