Log Status






Time Played

30h 0m

Days in Journal

6 days

Last played

March 12, 2022

First played

February 3, 2022

Platforms Played


A good step in the right direction for Pokémon, but it's still a bland one. We've always wanted an open-world entry to the series where you can freely explore where you want and catch living, breathing Pokémon found in the wild. This game is for sure that, but like.. the dollar menu version of it and if it was left outside in the hot sun until it got bleached.

For starters, there is still not a single console Pokémon game that looks good, and this game is no exception. Textures are wonky all over the place and the landscapes just look terrible. The land is expansive but mostly empty, and the Pokémon appear in little clusters of their own groupings in specific spots rather than acting like they have minds of their own.

I feel like they tried to copy Breath of the Wild, but half assed it and kept the most annoying parts of that game. Crafting sucks ass, and the limited inventory is such an infuriating concept to randomly introduce. The tutorial for the game is like 6 hours long and the dialogue is as baby-fied as ever.

That being said, everything in this game is so quick and I love that. You can snipe 30 balls in a row and just simply run away whether you caught something or not, it's so refreshing because usually you're skipping through dialogue at every encounter. The combat is clunky for me, but nice to see differently, although the lack of abilities is odd. Shinies are actually easy to find in this game.

The game is incredibly easy but the final fight ramps the difficulty up into a 90 degree angle out of nowhere. I wish the difficulty was more of a curve rather than a last minute fuck you from the antagonist. Big uppies though!! Lickitung is all over the damn place in this game, it's great!!

Did not bother clearing the Pokedex, I don't have time for that. It's an alright game but it needs to be worked on. I love the variations it has from the mainline games and the ideas it could offer so I hope that they build on them for future entries. If not, I'll be really disappointed.