I was hosting a party for all the video games I've played and this one came in with it's guitar, shouted around, and then vomited all over the living room floor right in front of Bugsnax and Viva Piñata.

I was no stranger to facing challenges in a video game, but for the longest time I just didn't get into this series for whatever reason and it started to feel like a weird skin tag that needed to finally be taken care of. So, I started with this one, and I'm glad that I did. Everything in this game felt like pure torture, from getting my ass split wide open from the same boss for hours to just simply walking from point A to point B.

Everything feels like it's in slow motion and it just grates me to my core. I could not stand having to get through a country of enemies between areas and I just do not care for your counter-opinion, xXPuzzYSlayurXx, there is nothing that will convince me otherwise. Some bosses are completely fine, others are just straight up ass? But most of them are a worthy challenge. I will say even despite feeling like my legs were being torn off slowly, it was quite the dopamine hit to finally defeat a boss on your own. You know, until you instantly lose your 40,000+ souls from a random skeleton immediately after.

I do think part of what turned me off from these games initially is that most of the plot and backstory is hidden in menus and item descriptions. It's quite literally just "Read the Wiki" the series. I am illiterate, please stop doing this.

I am not put off by this series after playing this game. It was not my favorite thing ever, but I do think just from my playstyle alone. I will probably enjoy the later entries more than this one. It's just fine for me, and I felt good beating it.

Reviewed on Sep 06, 2023


8 months ago

As xXPuzzYSlayurXx would say, "learn to read, 4head lol"

7 months ago

skill issue

5 months ago

I think as each year passes, Dark Souls 1 becomes harder and harder and harder to recommend. At some point in the near future its gonna enter "Artifact" status and its gonna become more of a historical pursuit than a cultural one.