Rewritten because I may or may not have accidentally deleted it.

The main draw of this game for me was the Twitch Integration. I knew nothing about it before purchasing it aside from the art style, and you know what? It turned out to be a cute little rogue-lite simulation game. AND, it was very fun. A very forgiving rogue-lite I might add.

There is definitely challenges to be had with the isometric bullet hell rooms and enemies, but dying isn't necessarily the end-all-be all. Your cultists might get a little pissed at you but they're very easily pleased with upgrades. In between the chaos and mayhem, you get small breaks where you decorate your lawn and hang out with your cultists. It gifts you a brief respite amongst getting your ass handed to you in the later stages. In the beginning it can feel very repetitive, but as your cult grows, the upgrades give you a lot more leeway with more independent cultists. The only time I found myself stressed was when a handful of cultists would suddenly drop dead from old age and I had to beg the game to let me find new ones.

I find the Twitch integration to be a really creative addition to the game, but it doesn't seem to properly work anymore; constantly glitching out, duplicating cultists, or just not connecting to the servers at all.

There are tons of powers to play with, but only a handful of weapons and they're all randomized. I hate the Hammer so much and it would often appear in my weapon pool because of the lack of variety in that department, sometimes multiple runs in a row.

I can handle a repetitive map structure and onslaught of the same enemies because I typically like rogue-lites, but the Relics of the Old Faith expansion was a bit of a disappointment. It added a good chunk of QoL updates that make your daily life as Cult Leader easier, but the meat of it requires you to basically play the entire game again, just a little more challenging. I still await an update that adds fresh content.

Reviewed on Sep 09, 2023
