I've been playing through all the remakes and finished Resident Evil 3 Remake before the 4th one came out, so I figured why not?

This is probably the only original I can honestly say I would enjoy since I despise the camera angles of the other ones. While the tank controls in this game are pretty annoying, it got easier to manage with time, especially after upgrading your weapons to absurd levels of power. I'm not the biggest fan of having to shoot my way through hordes of enemies, but the fact that enemies drop ammunition and health mitigates the annoyance for me.

The pacing is also broken up several times to focus more on puzzles and mini-games that I enjoy, giving a brief respite amongst the constant action. Some bosses however suck ass to fight. They're huge damage sponges that annihilate your inventory and it's hard to move around them due to the controls.

I never had an issue at all with Ashley and I was actually disappointed with how hyped up she was as a pain in the ass. I genuinely think if you malded while escorting Ashley in this game, you are just simply... not good at the game? Curious.

Even with all the chaos, this game is goofy as all Hell, in some parts just downright stupid, but it's still a lot of fun. Enjoyed it even though it was old and icky and ugly looking :).

Reviewed on Sep 18, 2023
