I searched for this game for a long time before realizing earlier this year that it was remade on PS4 and I just never knew about it for some reason.

I went into this excited just on the art style alone and that department did not disappoint me one bit. I was surprised to find myself playing a beat 'em-up type RPG and completely creamed my jeans. Each character has their own playstyle and powerful abilities to unlock that breaks up a bit of the monotony from obliterating endless hordes of enemies. I preferred Cornelius and Mercedes personally, but each one stood out in unique ways.

The leveling system is interesting, but easy to manage. It was pretty easy to just pop an XP boost right before shoveling several of the best food in the game down your character's throat right before a huge battle and demolishing them.

While the remake added some changes to make this process go by a little smoother, it still feels extremely routine to downright annoying near the end of the game. I like that the story is stilted per character, it makes you surprised to find out how things came to be later down the line when you realize their timelines aren't exactly running simultaneously, but it can get monotonous fighting the same boss 3-4 times throughout the game. Especially if you hate fighting that boss. That big ass Dwarf battleship fight made me want to tear my face off every time I ran into it and you fight it 5 times.

Play it in one go if you can deal with that, but it may benefit to taking breaks between chapters because of this. I recommend at least giving it a try because the art style juxtaposed with the dark plot makes for a very compelling experience. Dread starts to seep in as you push forward and the build up to that was my favorite part.

Reviewed on Sep 22, 2023

1 Comment

6 months ago

Leifthrasir changed enough of the game for me that I feel like the balance of reuse-to-new-stuff was alot, lot, more palatable.