I tried very hard to give this game a chance after not liking BOTW but I just can't seem to get myself to really care about this universe. I found the first game incredibly boring and this one only offers little change between the two.

The sky islands and underground are annoying to get to and offer little rewards, which made me disinterested in investigating them. I seemed to still struggle to want to explore in a game where exploration is the main mechanic. I despise that core functions like upgrading your armor are blocked behind annoying as shit chores with annoying characters.

But for a positive, the powers were far more fun and creative here though, which benefitted the shrines a lot more to me. The free hand manipulation of items made for a more engaging experience where the puzzles felt more unique compared against each other.

However, building fantastic things is only fun for a limited time when you realize that objects have a lifespan and explode when they've decided you're no longer allowed to have any fun. Fusing weapons is a neat feature that made weapon durability less of a problem for me, so that downgraded from boiling my blood to just an inconvenience from time to time.

I feel like the story does a better job this time around although the global phenomenon questline gave me horrid flashbacks of Mass Effect: Andromeda.

I had a better time overall here, but it's still unfortunately not my cup of tea.

Reviewed on Sep 24, 2023


6 months ago

TOTK only managed to be enjoyable to me after actively undermining and subverting basically everything about the "open world" part with a hover bike. One singular generous mechanic holds a Pleasant Experience together with like rubber bands and duct tape and it feels very unbecoming of a world class triple AAA dev.

6 months ago

@_YALP If they wanted me to get into the world after not being very engaged with it in Breath of the Wild, they shouldn't have retconned like everything that was in Breath of the Wild. I thought that was so weird.. virtually none of the characters mention the events of the first game and the Guardians are erased out of existence and replaced with a new enemy that is also just a robot. It's the same blank slate but with a green coat of paint and just kinda hand wave why these new ancient beings are here with no real explanation as to why they weren't mentioned before. They made the weapon durability more manageable but then made everything else a huge chore in the process. I guess I accidentally curled the monkey's paw.