Hey, this that hit "hidden gem" game that people were telling me no one knew existed and is the greatest game I've never played.

It's a fairly decent, fun game that has great concepts slapped on it but if you would allow me to be a person who argues for one minute; this game's mechanics have aged like milk in a Floridian backyard.

I love everything that this game is going for from the art style to the level designs, but I was finding myself incredibly annoyed with how awful the platforming and combat controls are. Some levels were buggy and soft locked me in some areas. Some powers were useful maybe once and then never used again.

I will give this game all the credit for having done so many modern trendy features first; climbing on top of large enemies, large three dimensional platforms with gravity mechanics, etc. That is actually so funny.

I had fun with it, but it wasn't a masterpiece in my eyes. However, I enjoyed it enough to try the sequel, which I haven't gotten my hands on yet.

Reviewed on Aug 12, 2023
