I wanted to love this game.

This was my most hyped up release in years,
the game I was looking forward to the most and now after finishing it, I feel utterly disappointed.
I think I'll start with some technical complaints I have:
- I want RGG to abandon this Frankenstein ass corpse of an engine they're carrying around. The Dragon Engine is an unrefined piece of shit and never have I felt this more than with Infinite Wealth. This thing is priced at $70 but fails to actually feel like a full price game with its complete lack of polish.
- There are no seamless transitions in this game whether you're entering let's say a Substory, a scripted event or a Cutscene. It is always either an abrupt hard-cut or a shitty fade to black
- Companion AI sucks dick and their path finding is straight up broken
- The always re-used animations during in game dialogue sections are getting on my fucking nerves. I understand that you can't mo-cap everything in large scale JRPG's like these, but I would like for SOMETIMES VERY IMPORTANT SCENES to not feel like a fucking Garry's Mod animation on Youtube.

Which now brings me to one of my biggest gripes with this whole experience.
- T H E - P R E S E N T A T I O N -
Everything that isn't part of a motion captured and well composed cutscene looks like absolute horse shit and won't stop drilling THE SAME 5 SONGS FROM LIKE THE LAST 4 GAMES INTO MY HEAD.
I am sick and tired of hearing the melancholic substory theme from Yakuza 0. What's even worse is that every and I really mean EVERY music cue in this game is forced and as agonizingly formulaic as possible. It's not even like these are entirely new issues,
-> the R in RGG does stand for re-use after all, but I am starting to feel ripped off after they have tried to pull this shit a few too many times now.
I also despise the way anything is framed in this game,
Yakuza has lost its style, every interaction between NPCs looks fucking robotic and had me skipping dialogue more times than I wanted to.
Almost every bit of side content felt unrewarding or like a complete waste of my time and the structure of this game only makes this worse, by
A) putting the entire story on halt just to shove minigames you do not give a fuck about down your throat
and B) Constantly putting your next objective on the other side of town, making the exploration of Hawaii feel like an obligatory chore.

I don't even want to start talking about the story, because it is the biggest problem I have with Like a Dragon: Infinite Ass and I would quite literally have to write a book to fully elaborate on why this is one of the worst narratives I have ever seen in the medium.
A game so incompetently written that it actively devalues its previous installments by acting like the consequences that were established after the last 2 mainline entries just do not matter anymore
- While also refusing to elaborate on how we got to certain points in the story or just forgetting to properly tie up its loose ends in the final chapter.
They chomped up more than they could swallow here... This shit is legit missing scenes and the necessary context to make anything that happens matter.
Infinite Wealth tries to do and say a lot, but falls flat on its face, failing to justify its existence.
It is without a single doubt in my mind, the most pointless addition to the franchise,
one that has done nothing but aggravate me with its quantity over quality philosophy.

I feel ripped off, betrayed and lied to....

The only good things about this game are the quality of life improvements to 7's combat, perhaps a few good scenes sprinkled onto a steaming pile of shit and that is it.

Reviewed on Mar 14, 2024


Yeah I agree with your points completely… like I’m almost done with the game but after things that happened in chapter 9 I started losing all hope for this game. Like seriously the protagonist switch up in this game ruins the immersion and I feel like having Kiryu as the other playable protagonist takes away the impact of Ichiban completely. Also I feel like the way Ichiban was written in this game was like a Flanderized version of how he was in 7??? Did you feel that way too by any chance? It’s really so unfortunate because this game had some genuinely high highs but way too many low points for me to really enjoy it overall

1 month ago

I honestly don't think Kiryu should have been in this game at all.
It is absolutely ridiculous how they cannot let go of the guy for even one fucking game, when his story had already been concluded 8 years ago. I also believe the character moments he does get in the game feel completely out of place in this story.
Ichiban on the other hand, definitely felt way too trusting towards every stranger he encounters here, acting like the best of pals with people who actively fuck him over.
It’s really so annoying how Gaiden was also written after 8 and it’s so apparent like the way Kiryu interacts with Hanawa is just so out of place it pisses me off 😭😭 there’s just too many BS out of place moments like Kiryu finding Ichiban or how everyone on earth managed to conveniently just ignore the fact he’s supposed to be a “dead” man and nobody bats an eyelash… and how they bring up his code name literally like three times… like ok.

Sorry I’m getting actually so heated because I wanted to also like this game so bad but I genuinely cannot get over how they managed to fuck things up so badly after 7 managed to be so good and how Gaiden manages to be pretty awesome too. I’m honestly losing hope for any future releases because they’re so god damn afraid of killing off party members or keeping things consistent
This game is such an unfortunate downgrade from 7 that it's insane