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8 days ago

hyhy reviewed Lethal League Blaze
I really can't stress how great this game is - easily the most underrated fighting game of the modern era. In a just world, Lethal League Blaze would be mainstage at Evo, but instead we thrive in the shadows of grassroots events.

LLB strikes a perfect balance between being easy to pick up and have fun, while at the highest skill bracket being one of the most mechanically demanding and rewarding experiences of any fighting game ever.

The freeform nature of combat via the ball promotes a huge range of viable playstyles. Likewise, LLB has a great balance between creative offensive opportunities through angles, specials, and parrybaits, while maintaining rich defensive options accentuated through positioning and movement.

The diverse roster of characters has fostered new competitive discoveries even 5 years after the initial release, while the focus on system mechanics ensures that the cast is extremely well balanced. It's particularly

The community for this game is deeply passionate, primarily found on the LLB Stadium Discord, where we continue to host tournaments and other events while official support for the game has long moved on. It's still very easy to learn the game with the monthly new player tournaments and mentorship programmes, while the top level continues to evolve even after 1000s of hours of playtime logged.

If you want to see the top level of this game in action, you can find the VOD from Combo Breaker (commentated by me!)

If you want to learn more about the mechanics I'd recommend Desselie's Toxic Guide, even as a character specific guide it covers loads of fundamentals for all characters.

Please play this game and join the community, it changed my life for the better.

Just don't play the single player modes, they suck!

9 days ago

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