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iIceJester backloggd Everhood

10 days ago

iIceJester is now playing Everhood

10 days ago

10 days ago

iIceJester is now playing Jet Set Radio

11 days ago

iIceJester earned the Replay '14 badge

11 days ago

iIceJester reviewed Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations
" The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over." 5/5 stars No need to think about it lol

11 days ago

iIceJester finished Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations
" The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over." 5/5 stars No need to think about it lol

11 days ago

iIceJester completed Sonic Heroes
The level design is some of the best in the series in my opinion. Levels can have some jank but they were far in between atleast in my playthrough. Music of course was one of the best parts of this game, final boss music is a classic. My only gripe was the egg man gauntlet boss battles which I think was lazy and annoying at times.

14 days ago

iIceJester completed Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
I have two words to describe this game "bullet sponges". I had all my weapons maxxed out but it still felt like the damage I was doing was minimal. Even to basic enemies and don't get me started with the final boss. Not a big fan of the game but I atleast enjoy how it ties to the next few games.

14 days ago

iIceJester completed Star Fox Adventures
This game was ok to me. The voice acting can be so bad that it makes it funny. Back tracking is a bit annoying and the later half of the game is super rushed. Maybe if they had more time to work on this game then it would be great but it's ok the way it is.

14 days ago

iIceJester completed Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
When this game was announced, I thought it was just gonna be the same game with updated graphics but they managed to go beyond my expectations. I already loved the original but they also added a lot more like new soundtracks and remixes to old music, two super bosses which I enjoyed fighting, and added new shortcuts to lessen backtracking. What else can i say, I love this game!

14 days ago

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