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The wait is no longer and it was a blessing to experience my favorite ff7 installment in the series by miles. i think this honestly is a step forward for JRPGs as a whole and in the right direction
although i do have some issues with it the pros far outweigh them
everything about this game felt just so smooth and enjoyable i deeply appreciated how much work was put into every small minute detail in this game
you genuinely never run out of things to do in this game which in all fairness is a double edged sword most of the time
But imo it leans towards the better edge in FF7Re's case. all the way from huge gigantic beautiful areas and an amazing reimagining to scenes and places i couldn't imagine could theoretically look this good all the way to smallest things like adaptive field/battle themes
i cannot appreciate enough how well they fleshed out characters and made them very very lovable multi faceted characters rather than one dimensional compared to the OG for many characters. i always loved this cast and the side characters but this game had the most impact on me
my main issues with the game from time to time are mostly just some design choices of levels and areas and the unneeded forced minigames and some padding here and there. i know I'm being a bit a picky because due to the shear size of this game there's bound to be some flaws