Log Status






Time Played

4h 20m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

August 19, 2023

First played

November 25, 2012

Platforms Played


I remember when this game came out. It was the first proper Adventure Time video game, and I was in a HUGE anticipation for it to be released.
Back then I was in high school, and Adventure Time was a big thing to me and my friends. We even went to the point of vandalising the school with marker drawings of Gunter everywhere. Yeah, good times.

Well, I got it on my DS as soon as it released and, to my surprise… it took me only a single day to beat it.

OK, the game was fine, but the short length of the adventure left a sour taste in my mouth.
But, well, I found myself thinking about the game this afternoon, and decided to give it a try on my 3DS. Unsurprisingly, it took less than five hours for a 11-years-older me (damn, is it that long already?) to fully complete the game in a single sitting.

Alright, it’s a game made for kids, so you can kind of expect it to be easy. The music is fine, but super repetitive and with a flair of chiptune every now and then, with some very muffled voiced recordings. There’s a huge amount of backtracking going on as well, and it’s mostly the boring type of backtrack. Also, the game’s story, despite being fine for an Adventure Time episode, was nothing to write home about.

… however, yeah, it’s a charming and fun little game.
The plot and characters are reminiscent of the earlier seasons of the show, which were my favourites, and it is undoubtedly fun to travel through Ooo and chat with its denizens.
All of that in a Zelda II-inspired setting and gameplay. Of all the Zelda-like formulas they could have come up with, they went for that one; and they made it fun and interesting, with a progression that, easy as it is, doesn’t hold the player’s hand and makes it so that they match the puzzle pieces by themselves.

And, well, it’s WayForward we’re talking about here, so you can expect at least a tad bit of polish.
The game has super tight controls and some very nicely done pixel art visuals that look great even on a 3DS XL screen.
Also, the game looks better on the 3DS than on the DS, with additional details on the foregrounds and the backgrounds.

All in all, despite being far from a blockbuster, it was a great first game for the franchise. They executed some nice and fun ideas very well, and condensed all of it in a bite-sized adventure that, despite being super easy, was fun enough at the end.

I ended up enjoying it as much as I originally did eleven years ago. But, there really isn’t any reason for me to replay it in the future.
Except for nostalgia reasons, maybe. Waiting for this game to be released back then was part of the experience itself, and I’d still love to get the collector’s edition that came with a stylus shaped as Finn’s sword.