When I first played the first six Mega Man games for the NES this was originally my favourite among them, and it really pissed me off whenever I saw people saying how unmemorable it was, or how it was too boring/too easy, when the only thing I saw was a very consistently made Mega Man game, with fun stages and the best graphics (at least in my opinion) of the NES bunch. Well, I still stand by these statements: Mega Man 5 IS a good and consistent entry in the series. Maybe I thought I was seeing what nobody else was able to.

Well, after replaying it now, I can understand the common opinion when it comes to this one. Especially after replaying Mega Man 4 before it.

Mega Man 5 is a good game. It has great graphics for a NES game, fun stages and the well-established tight gameplay you would expect from a Mega Man game. It has some of the most original stage gimmicks in the series, like Gravity Man’s and Wave Man’s stages, and decent enough boss battles.

The thing is, sooner or later, you’ll find it, indeed, a bit boring.

The bosses’ weapons are mostly useless, with the stages not really being designed around them, and with the overly overpowered charged shot, there’s little to no encouragement for you to experiment with them. Some of these stages will also be frustrating, with Crystal Man’s stage and its f*cking falling gems becoming one of my absolutely less favourite stages in the entire franchise after this replay. The Robot Masters are quite uninteresting and lack some character, and the endgame is way too long.

Mega Man 3’s endgame still remains the absolute worst in this series, and 4’s, despite being decently made, can be a bit tiresome. 5’s endgame is simply boring, and the Dark Man fights in Proto Man’s castle are tied with the Doc Robot fights as one of the most unnecessary things in this franchise, at least in my opinion.
If Mega Man 4’s endgame can overstay its welcome, Mega Man 5’s endgame does, and it’s by far my biggest issue with this game.

And, yeah, the game can be a bit on the easier side of things. Definitely one of the easiest in the franchise, with every enemy being obliterated by the charged shot and by having an abnormal drop rate for the recovering items. You’ll hardly find yourself worried about deaths, since most of the time you’ll be perfectly stocked up with lifes and Energy Tanks.

Still, I have a soft spot for this one. Yeah, it’s easy, but not as easy as Mega Man 6, and it has arguably the best controls and gameplay of all of the 6 original NES games.
For these reasons, I think this may be the perfect entry point for newcomers to the series, having the right amount of challenge for one to grow used to how classic Mega Man works and feels.

And, for that, I’ll always find it charming. Even now, without my rose tinted glasses.

Reviewed on Jan 22, 2023
