Omigosh, where do I begin? And just finished in time for rebirth too! :D (I adore this game so much that rebirth deluxe is on pre order)

I went into this with some decent knowledge of FF7 and an already established love for the characters from seeing them online and what not, but I hadn’t played the original.

This game is so stunning. One word I would say it would be majestic. It pulls you in so perfectly, im constantly so invested. It’s a long as hell game by my standards considering it’s only my second game I’ve finished since getting back into video games properly, but it doesn’t drag at all. I think that it’s the perfect length and I don’t mind that it’s split into 3 parts but maybe if I already was a fan of og my mind would change?

Sephiroth and Cloud are two of the finest men EVER and I am in love with both in vastly differing ways.

My only complaints is that the side quests are boring to me and that is what brings it down bc there’s so much potential there…so I didn’t much bother with them. and I think Aerith is a bit clunky to play as in battle (but character wise she is BEST girl- tifa I still love you!)

Reviewed on Feb 27, 2024
