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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 22, 2023

Platforms Played


I've not played too much of this game as of writing this review, but the whole time i've been playing i've been imagining the probably impossible scenario of this game being someone's first suikoden game. i think i can say that it's definitely something only made for diehard suikoden 2 fans - (completely disregarding the drastically different gameplay & story changes, even though i think changing the story a little out of nowhere makes the game worth poking at a little), the teeny sprites of all the characters bring me joy but the card game gameplay was hard for me to personally mesh with... if i wasn't starved for suikoden, or if i had never played suikoden, i'd probably put this game down faster. as a big fan of suikoden 2 i am having fun because i get to see a very tiny viktor. he looks like he fits in the palm of my hand. it's all i need.