Gris is one of the most aesthetically pleasing games out there with its watercolor style. To me, Gris is more of a visual experience than anything. The beauty in each of its environments urge you to stop and appreciate them while being complemented with a lovely soundtrack that blends in with the protagonist's singing. If you don't believe me just check out the images on its steam page.

As for the rest, it is a short game, taking me around 7 hours to 100% it. The gameplay revolves around platforming, with puzzles sprinkled around as well. It is definitely worth your time.

Sea of Stars is a game with good ideas, but could have used better execution.

It's a throwback to retro JRPGs with a combat system most similar to Super Mario RPG, where timing matters a lot. The problem with the combat system is that it gets stale, with the party members only having a handful of skills to use throughout the whole game. Not to mention, the indication for timings on hits and blocks can be very ambiguous. One thing that I noticed was that some enemies would target a single character in your party and you wouldn't know who until they already got hit by them.

The exploration is the main highlight of the game, and is reminiscent of Zelda puzzles combined with an old-school FF/DQ overworld system that makes for interesting areas and discoveries. There is a lot to uncover in a game as compact as this, and it makes it worthwhile to spend time looking around, especially with the gorgeous pixel art and banging soundtrack.

A main selling point for a lot of different JRPGs is its story, characters, and writing. In Sea of Stars, being an indie title, will get some slack in this department. With that being said, the dialogue can be very awkward at times, often feeling amateur and missing grammar, and makes the writing feel much less polished. The overarching story is what you'd expect from a small title like this, and nothing to write home about. In other words, it is not the selling point of Sea of Stars.

Overall, I enjoyed the game and ended up doing 100% of the content it offered, and if you just want a fun time with a more unique combat system than most turn-based games, with worthwhile exploration, then it's a game worth your time.

After completing the collection and getting all the achievements with the DLC, I can say with confidence that Vampire Survivor is one the best games for your buck right now. It has an immense amount of content while having a great pick up and play style of gameplay. For its low price point, you really can't go wrong with it. And it's free on mobile.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions is a game that gets a lot of hate while actually being a ton of fun. The idol theme is not for everyone, and definitely wasn't for me either. With that being said, I still managed to enjoy it a lot.

The gameplay is its strongest point, and puts an interesting spin on the age old turn based system with its sessions. Although the writing is as you'd expect in a game like this (not amazing), Tokyo Mirage Sessions carries out many fun segments in the character stories.

If you are a fan of the Shin Megami Tensei games and don't mind the game not taking itself too seriously (and some fan service), this game is worth a shot.

VA-11 HALL-A is a visual novel that feels more personal than most. There are a variety of lovable characters, whom you truly feel like you get to know over the course of the game through daily bartending.

It may not be the most deep story ever, but it has many thought provoking and relatable scenes as you follow Jill on her journey of rediscovery. Also, there's a talking dog.

Not to mention, the soundtrack is an absolute bliss to listen to. If the game doesn't interest you, I would still recommend checking out the OST.