This game is very different from basically every game in the series. The best way I can describe it is that this is the closest that any game in the series has come to capturing the feel of Kaga's games after he left. To say it breaks the mold is an understatement. It tries so many interesting and unique ideas. It doesn't stick the landing on all of them, but the novelty is enough to keep the game engaging. People looking for a traditional Fire Emblem experience will not find it here, and I don't mean that in an elitist "to be fair you need to have a very high IQ to understand Radiant Dawn." It's just a fact. If you're familiar with Shadows of Valentia or Genealogy of the Holy War, and you're ok with how they shake up the formula, then you might enjoy this. Story has some bad moments but is very strong for the most part. It's obviously not worth the comically large price tag but that's beside the point. It's 2022 you can figure it out.

Unquestionably my favorite FE game and I've put dozens of hours into it. An excellent experience despite its flaws.

Reviewed on Jan 25, 2022
