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when i had first beaten panzer dragoon on retroarch, i was hooked and deeply in love with the series. zwei kept me coming back, made me feeling like i was high on crack, and saga... my god no other game has left me THAT stunned and emotional by its ending, to say i was blown away would be an understatement. i was spacing out the games between 1-2 months so the time was right for each, and the wait for orta was incredibly anxious.

after my weekend trip i punched my light out, smashed my ass on the chair and was ready to engage with this. it started with the haunting and epic prologue, i hadnt felt this engaged in a while, almost as if i had been participating in a series (duh). the difficulty of the game quickly ramped up, the imperial ship put up the fucking fight of the century, my blood was rushing and my heart was PUMPING. i was gunning through this, not only was it a mental and physical workout but i was also having an absolute blast. after it was all said and done, i realized... holy shit THIS WAS THE FIRST BOSS?!?!? goddamn this game was pretty hard ngl but I actually loved that it was incredibly challenging, enhanced the feeling of reaping the skies. another thing that had me loving the game was the ost sounding like shpongle (which is probably my favorite band. gaining a huge bias in the process). i was in complete awe by the games imagination and scope.

a while before i played orta i was spoiled by the fact that she was azel's daughter. i was less confused and more curious how they would pull this off, in fact i was kinda stoked that i could potentially unlock her, but what they did with her was miles better than what i expected. her vague appearance and message was so sad yet wholesome i wanted to fucking cry ;_; azel is such an amazing character. my favorite part of the game was the imperial city, especially paired with its song. visually its bombastic, soaring through the top of the caves and blowing shit up, i sound like a dummy but yeah thats how i feel, a lad talking about the coolest shit hes experienced. my journey through panzer dragoon was coming to an end, but yet it wasn’t so sad, more optimistic than anything. i was finally closing the chapters, nearing the end of this chaotic and strangely beautiful world, needless to say it will forever hold a special place in my heart. i want these games injected into my blood stream

Reviewed on Feb 27, 2024


1 month ago

good to see you liked Orta because I sure don't atm

1 month ago

@NessyBoy64 which part are you not liking?

1 month ago

@imshitting420 atm I beated easy and admittedly felt underwhelmed and a tad disappointed by it as a sequel. but I'm willing to give normal a go to at the very least see if my opinion could turn.

1 month ago

@NessyBoy64 oh yeah i understand about the difficulty, i have a hard time recommending it cuz this game punches ur nuts. i found out the hard way that i had to do the tutorial after dying twice in chapter 2, i think youll like it better on normal or even hard in that case. as for the story while i didnt mind it i can see why people were disappointed with it, to me i see it in the same way people liked the prequel star wars trilogy

1 month ago

@imshitting420 I see it as if they tried to do A New Hope but fumbled and fucked it up imo, because the og Saturn games were like the prequels with their politics and approach to the look of the world. the dunes and military uniforms..
but yeah I'm def gonna give normal a go sometime soon even if I generally didn't like the game from playing the easiest mode as even normal was hard for me at the time.

1 month ago

@NessyBoy64 good observation actually, i also saw someone say that panzer dragoon is dune if it had a heart lol