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imsuchagaymer finished New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe
maaaaan. What a ride. This was my first time playing & I'm not great at Mario games (or games in general) like everyone else, so this was an insane time for me. I never understood gamer rage quitting until this game. It wasn't that the game itself was hard, just a lot of stupid mistakes on my end (though some of these levels were bull crap ngl). The credits are playing right now, and im still shaking from that final fight. Because after like 500 tries i beat it as baby mario. Honestly, what an amazing final boss.

Despite all the anguish this game caused, I can't say I didn't have fun! I know the NSMB games get a lot of flack but to me, this is childhood. And beating this entire game without the golden leaf or guide would make my child self proud! I'm glad i beat this game! I'm never gonna touch it again though <3

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