maaaaan. What a ride. This was my first time playing & I'm not great at Mario games (or games in general) like everyone else, so this was an insane time for me. I never understood gamer rage quitting until this game. It wasn't that the game itself was hard, just a lot of stupid mistakes on my end (though some of these levels were bull crap ngl). The credits are playing right now, and im still shaking from that final fight. Because after like 500 tries i beat it as baby mario. Honestly, what an amazing final boss.

Despite all the anguish this game caused, I can't say I didn't have fun! I know the NSMB games get a lot of flack but to me, this is childhood. And beating this entire game without the golden leaf or guide would make my child self proud! I'm glad i beat this game! I'm never gonna touch it again though <3

I gotta get back to this game because it's soooo good. Might restart it from scratch since I started & dropped it 2 years ago and forgot what I was doing.

I LOVE THIS GAME SM! Mods make it even better!

Skill issue on my end, but this game would be so peak if it was on console. It's already amazing and detailed but the controls...I don't know..

Way funnier and fun now that I'm older. Some of the games themselves are kinda whatever but the crappy role plays you do with people make up for it.

loved this game as a kid but never completed it until one random night back in quarantine. I stayed up ALL night to complete this repetitive fetch quest filled game only to get such an awfully bland ending. I didn't even win prom queen!!! I was so shocked that was Child me always thought there'd be a cool party in the end or something...Nostalgia is saving my raiting on this game.

Fun fact. Back in 2012, the DS ver is the last game I was playing before my DS Lite broke in half <33

I will go down in history as one of the 10 people that loved this game

I will praise this game until I'm blue in the face. I will go to war for this game. I think this is one of the best Pokemon games & I don't care what anyone says. None of you will get this game like I do!!!!

For a game from 2007 this game is so amazing. It's genuinely one of my favorite games of all time! I recently started playing after not playing for 7 years and it still held up to my childhood memories of it. I love decorating me and my townie's houses with items I make! Now that I'm older i'm able to get super creative and it's so much fun!

The only reason I give it 5 in a half is that I wish you could customize the world itself more and maybe do more with the townies. But that's maybe asking too much, and the first issue can be fixed with mods luckily. I only have the wii version though..

I wish they'd remake this game and take some inspo from Animal Crossing and well, the Sims 4...Though I'd probably be it's only audience. But other than that, this game is great!!!

I was a hater on this game back in 2018 before it was cool to hate on it. But I'm glad more people are talking about how bad it was now. I've been waiting for this moment for so long <33

The earlier betas were great though. I wish they stuck with that...

way more fun when you're a kid not supposed to be playing. otherwise, it's alright..

This game is like Nintendogs + ACNL in one, and it's soooo peak. I enjoyed this way more than Nintendogs as a kid because there's lot's more to do. If you're looking for a cute pet game for some reason, there you go.

Great sequel to P5. I lowkey prefer the phantom thieves' portrayal & story pacing here over the OG game. Great way to end off my summer last year!