Gato Roboto isn’t a very original experience (really putting the Metroid in metroidvania) but is overall a charming one. Definitely has some issues though. The difficulty is very uneven. Most of the game won’t challenge you too much, but the boss fights can be brutal. With no way to skip the cutscene before the fight, you might find yourself a little annoyed. On the flip side of the problem, the final fight in the game is underwhelmingly easy. Have enough health and the Repeater, and you can just stand still and hold down the fire button to win. The ending itself also comes a little out of nowhere.

Movement mostly feels good, if a bit floaty. It’s fun enough to jump around and shoot. Again, reminiscent of Metroid, but I like Metroid so that’s not too much of an issue. The game looks great and the music is all fun.

Ultimately, your time with this game will depend heavily on how much you’ll let the idea of a cat in a mech suit carry the experience, and your patience for less of a difficulty curve and more of a difficulty roller coaster.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2024
